The Sharepocalypse: Written feedback










At #TMENG, attendees were given ‘Sharepocalypse’ cards. These are the responses to the question above on responding to feedback. Please add your own ideas in the comments section.

Have ROW time (reflect on work) – when marking, set a target- first 10 minutes of next lesson is spent addressing that target.

Phrasing feedback as questions and giving time in lesson for students to write a response and then checking this later.

By trying to do it before they’ve ‘finished’. Showbie is good for this. @alcass2s

  • Personalise it
  • Allow time to read and respond to feedback
  • Establish a dialogue with students
  • Ask students to summarise feedback
  • Respond to responses to feedback

Verbal Feedback stamp with 2 bullet points – pupils write what you have said.

At the end of marking a piece of work set 3 targets: 1 long term and 2 short term. The short term targets are things which they spend the first 5/10 minutes of the next lesson doing e.g. Find 3 alternate words for ‘good’ which they could use in their writing. Students complete task in their books.

Choose five different common problems seen in a piece of work. Put them into a hierarchical order and assign students into groups. They have to address this problem and then can only move onto the next kind of sentence.

  • Ensure that you make time for meaningful conversations on a regular basis.
  • Relate feedback to clearly understood objectives and make it personal.
  • Make students justify their moving on to the next skills by analysing their own work and improvement. @funkypedagogy

At the moment using ‘What went well’ and ‘Even better if’ in exercise books and after assessments. @gwenelope

Have ready made ‘how to improve sheets’. Students do work and you stick help sheet in books and they complete tasks on the sheet.

After a piece of work, before handing in, the students write me a letter to explain what I might find when I look at it.

Taxonomy of errors (my new obsession!)

Get students to predict their feedback first with markscheme before handing feedback to them.

Spend time telling them, then make them write it down.

Lift quality of peer feedback. Use ABC feedback. Use regularly so students know it: Add>Build upon>challenge

Train students to self-assess their writing, then assess their work AND their assessment of themselves. They get better and better – take off the training wheels- just assess their assessment.

  • Blogging! MP3 of me reading and discussing student essay – more detail, some timing. They really have to pay attention!
  • Feedback symbols for quicker marking.
  • Mark/25 e.g. spg 3, analysis 6, use of vocab 4. Pre-decided and shared then re-used in later versions too. @miss_tiggr

Highlight in books: green=great, pink=could improve. Match to success criteria/ APP.

I usually try to ask a question in marking- and check students have answered it- or give them a specific task to do. Think instant verbal feedback is very helpful.

Feedback post-its. They write down their targets and move them up each lesson to the current page.



One thought on “The Sharepocalypse: Written feedback

  1. I give one or two positive points then a question to improve. Sometimes provide 2 or 3 keywords they must include in their rewritten response. I’m finding I’m allowing up to 30 mins for a feedback review.

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